Samantha Miller is an artist based in the Pacific Northwest. Her work focuses on the natural wildlife and landscapes of the region. Each piece is intended to not necessarily be a direct, realistic representation of the scene, but to evoke the feeling of the moment through use of composition, color, and perspective.

Her Story

Samantha Miller received a BA at Western Washington University in 2014. Since graduating, she has been traveling the Pacific Northwest and capturing the scenery in her paintings.


Large completed works are posted on this website. In progress photos, sketches, and other enjoyable content can be found on her Instagram - @samillerart. This is is also the best place to contact her with inquireies.

As of 2022, she has also been working with Paws with Cause- a non profit organization that uses the power of art to help unite the community to fund local animal shelters. Information can be found on her Instagram and you are encouraged to check out @pawswithcause1.